Six decades of posters
Reisinger’s posters span his entire carrier, starting at his days in Bezalel Academy in the early 50’s all the way to the digital age. In this length of time the poster shifted significantly both in it’s purpose and it’s means of production.
“The history of the modern poster reflects the history of man and culture during the past hundred years. The visual expression of questions that are local and global, personal and universal, has created a sphere where art and design overlap. Reisinger’s posters bear witness to the metamorphosis that the Israeli society and its culture have undergone during the past Six decades. This is the formidable case of a visual creator who keeps adding richness of color and innovative design to the community environment – as well as documenting the history of a nation.” – Yarom Vardimon –
The following selection of posters provide an overview of Reisinger talents and achievements in this medium.
Peace, 1969
From the beginning
Since Reisinger’s days in Bezalel Academy of Arts his poster design drew notice and recognition. ‘From the city to the countryside’ granted his the academy’s Shtruk prize. The poster was soon after published in the Hebrew Encyclopedia – see under: Bezalel.
From the City to the Country, 1953
The IDF Tests Our Alertness, 1954, Israeli Air Force
World Fair, Brussels 1958
Expo 58, Brussels, 1958
LONDON 1959-60
Cable & Wireless Services, 1959, British Post Office
preliminary idea for the poster
The early 60’s
Resinger’s early posters provide not only a scope over his artistic progression, but also a perspective on some the topics and social issues of in the young state of Israel.
I Walk for my Health & Wellbeing, 1962
Towards the Third Million, 1962, election poster
The long-forgotten, and brief, chapter of car ferries to and from Israel
Near East International Fair, Tel Aviv. 1962-64
Poster for the Near East International Fair, 1962
Poster for the Near East International Fair, 1962
Poster for Amisragaz, 1961
Poster for the Near East International Fair, 1964
Poster for Independence Day Celebration at the Tel Aviv Fairgrounds, 1963
Kaiser-Ilyn Industries
Kaiser-Ilyn was among the pioneers of Israeli industry, its operations ranged from assembling imported cars to house hold goods, such as the Dafna reclining chair.
The growing use of photographs to become the main tool of advertising in the coming decades did not inhibit Reisinger from expressing his personal take on the poster’s subject at hand. The Contessa poster classic provide such an example. Reisinger often retrieved posters from their final printing plate (usually more detailed text) in order to preserve their original aesthetic quality.
Advertisement poster for Dafna garden chairs, 1970
Advertisement poster for Amcor fireplace, 1961
Tokyo Olympics, 1964
In direct reference to Yusaku Kamekura symbol of the 1964 Tokyo Olympics
Dance and Musicals
Studies for George Bernard Shaw’s My Fair Lady were integrated in ads and publications of the Habima Theater production.
Poster for My Fair Lady, Habima National Theatre, produced by Giora Godik, 1964
Poster for West Side Story by Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim at Habima National Theatre, 1961
Poster for the Japanese Ballet, produced by Giora Godik, 1963
Poster for Batsheva Dance Company, 1963
Swedish Dance Troupe
Collage posters
Poster for Uri Zohar’s film Hole in the Moon, 1964
Poster for Youth City, 1963
Poster for Habima National Theatre’s Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare, 1961
Poster for Habima National Theatre’s The Queen and the Rebels by Ugo Betti, 1961
EL AL Destination Posters
El Al Rainboeing the Skies, poster, 1971
Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, 1968
Independence day posters
Officia independence day poster, 1970
Officia independence day poster, 1974
Reisinger’s work in Graphis Magazine Vol. 190.
“The core of Reisinger’s success lies in his ability to transmit an idea, a meaning, a message, in a visual form which is concise, lucid and original. His work – environmental, three-dimentional and graphic – defies identification with any specific style which would stamp or classify him. If anything, his trade mark could be said to be colour.
His first posters were takes directly from paintings and have evolved into a clear colour language using all the possibilities of modern printing technology” – Izika Gaon
Israel 20th Anniversary, 1968
El Al Rainboeing the Skies, poster, 1971
Op-Art posters
Poster for Sixth International Harp Contest, 1976
Poster for the Israel Festival, 1969
Harp festival certificate of participation
Sixth International Harp Contest, 1976
the Israel Festival, 1977
Advertisement poster for Amcor refrigerator, 1968
Poster for British Post Office Overseas Telegraphs, 1965
Hebrew Book Week, 1979
Poster for the 8th Zimriya, international assembly of choirs, 1975
Poster for Reisinger’s exhibition at the Israel Museum, Jerusalem, 1976
Design from Israel exhibition poster, 1976
Poster for the Israel Technology Week, Jerusalem, 1981
Poster for the Color exhibition at the Israel Museum, 1979–80
Poster for the Textiles exhibition at the Jerusalem Theater, 1982
Exhibition of Israeli posters in Germany, 1985
Poster for Israeli export, 1982
Israel in MUnich, 1980
Israel Week, Bloomingdale's, 1979
Independance day march to Jerusalem in the Footsteps of the Palmach on Independence Day, poster, 1987
Kfar Vradim, 1984
Israel print industry, 1989
Israeli Graphic Design Association 50th Anniversary, 1985
Icograda conference in Israel, 1989
Israeli Architecture exhibition in Russia, 1997
Israel Museum 20th Anniversary, 1985
Patents exhibition at the Israel Museum, 1982
Political Posters
Q: On a sheet of paper in block letters you wrote your name and surname. Then you folded so that the letters composed the word DANGER. Is the thread, the danger really inscribed in your personality?
A: It does not necessarily concern a kind of danger directly related to myself, me being in danger, but concerns thinking of the threat to other people.
We should be conscious of it, because it is in hiding everywhere. It is a counterpart of my optimistic character.
… Let us see now the danger in Darfur. It does not concern only a threat in personal scope, but rather a total threat in social scope. In a wider context. We must see the danger not as something terrifying personally ourselves, but rather as something terrifying our brothers, our friends, whole the humanity in general.
Again?, poster warning against Neo-Nazism in former Soviet Block, 1993
Peace After Hiroshima, poster, 1991
Chernobyl, 1986
Separation, 2003
Darfur, for God’s Sake, 2006
Made in Hungary, 2014
mental borders creat wars
Help Fukushima, 2011
Poster for Reisinger’s exhibition Around Six Columns at the Ashdod Art Museum, 2010
Poster for Reisinger’s exhibition Ways at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, 2007
FIFA Women's World Cup, China, 2007
Poster for China International Art & Design Expo at the Shanghai Exhibition centre, 1999